Youth Opportunities Unlimited specializes in supporting young people in their job search. We meet youth where they are at in their work-related journey, and provide support and opportunities so that all young people can reach their potential.
If you are between the ages of 15 and 30 and not currently engaged in full-time employment or, if under 18, are legally excused from school, we’re here to support you in your job search and career planning!
How it works:
Wherever you are in your job search journey, we’ll meet you there and start together. We connect you with one of our employment counsellors who will guide you through the process.
To get started, simply drop in at one of our youth centre locations, use the contact form at the bottom of this page, or call us at 519-432-1112.
Don’t forget to bring your Social Insurance Number with you!
333 Richmond Street
London, Ontario N6A 3C2
8:30am – 5:00pm
32 Front Street West
Strathroy, Ontario N7G 1X4
9:00am – 4:30pm

Funding is provided by the Government of Canada through the Canadian Job Grant programs delivered by the Government of Ontario.
The first step in getting started is meeting with an Employment Counsellor, who can help to assess eligibility and interest in YOU programming. Our Employment Counsellors offer individualized supports with resume building, interview preparation, and job searching.
YOU offers multiple educational opportunities for young people. This includes training in Smart Serve, Safe Food Handling, and providing referrals for additional training. Employment Counsellors can also support youth with educational goals related to high school, college and university.
For assistance with education and employment, contact us by email at or by phone at (519) 432-1112.
"What YOU means to me is the ability to take someone who may be struggling with personal issues or someone who's looking for work, maybe both, and turn their life around in a small amount of time. Personally, I have made a friend and found work, all in one month! Now I work at Coca-Cola and I'm excited to see what achievements my life can bring me moving forward. Thank you YOU!" - Paul