
There are a variety of volunteer roles that allow individuals and groups to utilize their time and talents while helping YOU achieve our mission and vision...

  • Host a youth in your workplace - an opportunity to job shadow will help youth learn specific and transferable employment skills
  • Become a special events volunteer and support fundraisers
  • Volunteer in an administrative role, or with the finance team
  • Sit on a fundraising committee and rally support for YOU
  • Give back through a group volunteer opportunity, such as joining youth in our Clean Slate program!

To express your interest in volunteerism, please send your resume to info@you.ca. You will be invited to attend an upcoming Volunteer Orientation to learn more!

Current Volunteer Opportunities

YOU Campaigns and Committees 
We are always looking for fundraising volunteers to engage in our Breakfast Committee and Capital Campaign Cabinet. These engaged volunteers share their passion as ambassadors for YOU, help make connections within their networks and make fundraising asks in support of the organization. 

If you are interested in sharing your time and talents in this vital and meaningful way, please contact Heather Hoare, Director of Community Engagement, at HeatherH@you.ca / 519-432-1112 ext. 285.

"Why engage here? It's to support young people in growing, maturing, evolving and moving forward positively in life." - Frank, YOU Made It Recycling Volunteer