Youth Centres

Not sure who to turn to or how to start accessing services at YOU? Visit or contact the Youth Wellness Hub or Youth Action Centre in London, or YOU | Strathroy!

London-Middlesex Youth Wellness Hub

Youth Wellness Hub Ontario (YWHO) offers mental health and substance use services, primary care, and community and social services—for youth between the ages of 12 and 25. Through collaboration among many different providers and sectors, hubs provide easy and rapid access to services that address the needs of youth across multiple domains of their lives. The hubs are local places where young people can receive walk-in access to high-quality, integrated, mental health and substance use services, as well as other health, social, and employment supports.

Learn more about what's available at YWHO London-Middlesex here

Youth Action Centre 

The Youth Action Centre (YAC) provides a multitude of services for youth ages 16-24 who are experiencing or at risk of experiencing homelessness in London. Located downtown at 332 Richmond St, youth can access basic needs resources, meet with housing workers, and connect with community supports Monday through Friday from 10am-6pm. 

Available at the YAC: 

  • Bagged lunches served from 11am - 3pm
  • Grab & go hot dinner available from 4 - 6pm
  • Emergency food bank
  • Support with finding safe, affordable housing
  • Laundry and shower facilities
  • Hygiene products and basic needs items
  • Children's supplies, including diapers and wipes
  • Community resources

For further information, contact Jessica Carey by email at


YOU | Strathroy

Located in downtown Strathroy at 32 Front St W, the Strathroy location is YOU’s satellite location serving youth in Middlesex County. With trained staff on-site Monday through Friday from 9 am to 4:30 pm, the centre is a local hub for community partners and agencies to support youth. Some services are offered through YOU’s partnership with Youth Wellness Hubs Ontario.

Available at YOU | Strathroy

  • Employment services such as resume building, interview preparation, interview clothing and career planning
  • Mental health and substance use supports
  • Computer and phone access for job and housing searches
  • Support with finding safe, affordable housing
  • Hygiene products and basic needs items
  • Emergency food bank
  • Community partner programs offering child and youth counselling

For further information, contact Kurt White, Housing Stability Worker, at 519-432-1112 ext. 503 or

"I would continuously find myself without money, without a place to stay, days without food to eat. I then found out that YOU has a Youth Action Centre, a drop-in space for youth. I would go every night to share a meal, use the phone, meet other youth like me that had nowhere to go, no one safe and non-judgmental to talk to." - Cheyenne

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